Tuesday 7 February 2012

Inglorious Basterds - Theorists Applied

Genette developed the term transtextuality and developed five sub groups, however only four of these terms apply to Inglorious Basterds.
- Intertextuality: There are many intertextual links throughout Inglorious Basterds. Here is a list: Spahetti Western (Music, Close up shots, emphasising facial expressions), Shaft (Blaxploitation), Blaxploitation (Music), Battleship Potemkim (similar shot of a pram rolling), Sound of Music (fairytale link, similar scenery), Where Eagles Dare, The Searchers.

-Metatextuality - Explicit or implicit critical commentary of one text on another text. This is also present in Inglorious Basterds. Metatexuality occurs during a conversation between Soshanna and Frederick Zoller, in which references to Max Linder (silent film star), Leni Riefenstahl (film director), GW Pabst (Director), Sergeant York (American Film).

-Hypotextuality - the relation between a text and a preceeding hypotext - a text or genre on which it is based but which it transforms, modifies, elaborates or extends. The are many hypotext links in Inglorious Basterds. Inglorious Basterds was designed to be a war film, however there are many hypotexts links which are not in keeping with the genre and both extent and elaborate the genre. Examples of this include the Blaxploitation/Spaghetti Western music, the link to the Searchers, Public information film and the parody of Hitler.

-Architextuality -designation of the text as part of a genre by the writer or by the audience. Inglorious Basterds in reffered to as a War film by both the audience and Tarrantino, although the film is not like any other war films.

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